Using wool woven oil painting chengdu elder sister really marketer
Using wool woven oil painting chengdu elder sister really marketer
Levitan's "march", "oak", wave of shish gold even of the deserted the pond... Elegantly Russian oil painting famous brand, lifelike, vividly portrait painting on the "cloth". However, these "painting" the author is not Russian oil painting masters, but from chengdu, 56, folk legend Wang Huamin hands. Her paintings, no brush, no paints, full use of wool woven! This month 13, "flower jin guan city, the first chengdu biennale of literature and art" shawan at chengdu international convention and exhibition center, as the wool knitting, drawing Wang Huamin also presented the "birches" the sunlit grove "tender smile" three works.
Wang Huamin first started weaving from to give the child knitting a sweater, hats and other apparel products, such as children grew up, won't have to wear a mother knitting a sweater, Wang Huamin but interest in weaving. A chance Wang Huamin the colour of the wool mixed together, only to find the weavers have stereo feeling, so inspired and then original melange knitting, wool and painting together. Then and Wang Huamin bought Russian oil painting set, then homemade coordinates, woven together, just like that, "wool version" of "march" oak "deserted pond after birth, the effect is almost real ones.
Hanging in Wang Huamin home is at the top of the pet portrait painting sitting room is her name - the first China folk art works best off the heroes gold prize "birches". Reporters watched carefully, but let a person was dizzy of thread. "Like painting, wool knitting painting must be far to see the effect." While speaking, Wang Huamin cheerfully led reporters out of the sitting room. Sure enough, in distance works on the corridor of six or seven metres, not enough.the thread immediately had the life, the blue sky, black, green grass, green trees set each other off becomes an interest, level clear picture, with oil paintings
male center. Feminist art expressed his oil painting indignation is right, but is also easy to get lost in the oil painting dualism of men and oil paintings women oil painting modernism. As a male artists, if standing on the position of assumption of feminism, obviously very reluctantly, embarrassment and oil painting china painting doubt.